Message from the school nurse:
Welcome to the SME Health Office
School Nurse - Dara Sirianni RN, BSN
It is my goal to provide your students with a healthy & safe learning environment. I am happy to help in any way I can. Please feel free to reach out to me in a manner which is most convenient to you.
Office Hours 9:30-1pm
Phone: (716) 683-2112 Ext 128 E-Mail: nurse@smeschool.com
Fax: (716) 683-2134
New York State mandates that the following grade levels must have current physicals on file in the health office: K, 1 ,3, 5 & 7.
○ As well as physicals for all NEW students and those who are interested in playing school sports.
*Physicals are valid for one calendar year, for example a physical exam on 9/1/2022 will expire on 9/1/2023.*
● All students must have the proper New York State Mandated Immunizations necessary to start the school year. Any unvaccinated student has 14 days from the start of school to receive the required immunizations, after which the student will be unable to attend school until he/she has required immunizations.
● Health screenings will be completed annually for students in K, 1, 3, 5, & 7. Screenings may consist of the following: Vision, Hearing, Scoliosis as well as height & weight. Parents will be notified via the news note when to expect screenings to begin.
● Any medication that a student needs (prescription or over the counter) must have an "Administration of Medication in School" form filled out by their physician and signed by the parent/guardian. This pertains to medications such as Epipens, Inhalers, Motrin, Tylenol and even Cough Drops. Medication needs to be brought into the school by an adult, please do not send it in with the student.
If your student has a fever >100.4, is vomiting or has diarrhea they may not return to school until symptom free without the use of medications for 24 hours.
Please review the links for more detailed information as well as any required forms you may need.